Sending WhatsApp message using Raspberry pi through Twilio

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Sending WhatsApp message using Raspberry pi through Twilio

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The social network can be used in many ways, here by using Raspberry Pi we can send messages using python programming. This is mainly used for applications, which requires notifications like triggering messages in WhatsApp if anything happens physically. Main advantages are like, if we are using SMS services we need to use GSM modem, but by using WhatsApp we can trigger chat using Twilio which is centralized cloud to get authenticated by having user API key allows to send messages to WhatsApp.


Block diagram of Sending WhatsApp message using Raspberry pi through Twilio


In the above block diagram, WhatsApp is connected to the Raspberry by through the Twilio. To send some message, we are using DHT11 sensor, to sending Temperature and Humidity value to the predefined number of WhatsApp account.



WhatsApp is having Encryption, then also for every update, they are having different credentials. So we move towards Twilio to send messages to WhatsApp number who is having a static credential. By having API key of Twilio with WhatsApp access we can send a message using Python programming to the defined number.



  • Raspberry Pi
  • Power Adapter
  • HDMI to VGA converter (optional, when connecting to Monitor)
  • DHT11



  • SD Card Formatter
  • Win32 Disk Imager (or) Etcher



  • Rpi.GPIO as GPIO (To access GPIO Pins of Raspberry Pi)
  • Time library (For Delay functions)



By this Raspberry Pi project, we can send a message to WhatsApp messages, similarly, we can send Tweets as well as able to read the recent Tweets which in another project.

Additional information

Weight 0.000000 kg


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