List of Source codes available for Neurosky Mindwave Mobile

Matlab Code to Read Attention using Mindwave Mobile

This part of the code decode Attention value calculated by e-sense algorithm from thinkgear packets

Matlab Code to Read Eyeblink using Mindwave Mobile

This part of the code decode eye blink value calculated by e-sense algorithm from thinkgear packets

Matlab code to read Meditation using Mindwave Mobile

This part of the code decode meditation value calculated by e-sense algorithm from thinkgear packets

Mind-Attention Control LED using Arduino

Blinking led using EEG

Interfacing Mindwave Mobile with Arduino

This step-by-step guide is intended to quickly get a typical Arduino board user up and running with the MindWave Mobile. This guide will show how to setup the hc-05 module quickly for communication with the MindWave Mobile and gives example code to parse the output stream. The parsed output stream can then be used to perform various tasks such as to control the speed of a motor, to light up LEDs, and to control the position of a servo motor, etc.


Brainkeyboard using Neurosky mindwave mobile

Brain Keyboard Application used the processing platform and Thinkgear library. This is a low cost solution which can serve as a big help in communication and interaction for people who have severe movement disorders like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Locked in Syndromes,cerebralpalsy etc.

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