Internship on A.I + Python

Internship on A.I + Python

Price: 13 USD

International customers

What You will Get?

✅Recorded videos Lectures .

✅25+ Projects with Source Code and Explanations

✅Downloadable source codes

✅Downloadable PPTs


Course Validity : Lifetime validity

✅ 2 Internship E- Certificate will be provided

✅Lifetime Access to the Private Community

What you will Learn?


✅Introduction to Python

✅Installing & Working with Python IDLE

✅Configuring Environmental Variables – Command Window

✅Installing Anaconda Navigator (Jupyter Notebook)

✅Working with Anaconda Navigator (Spyder Notebook)

✅Working with Google Colab

✅Working with Pycharm

✅Working with Libraries

✅Simple Arithmetic

✅Introduction to Strings

✅Indexing and Slicing with Strings

✅String Properties and Methods

✅Print Formatting with Strings

✅Lists in Python

✅Dictionaries in Python

✅Tuples with Python

✅Sets in Python

✅Booleans in Python

✅I/O with Basic Files in Python

✅Python Objects and Data Structures

✅Comparison Operators in Python

✅Chaining Comparison Operators in Python with Logical Operators

✅If Elif and Else Statements in Python

✅For Loops in Python

✅While Loops in Python

✅Useful Operators in Python

✅List Comprehensions in Python

✅Methods and the Python Documentation

✅Introduction to Functions

✅Basics of Python Functions

✅Logic with Python Functions

✅Tuple Unpacking with Python Functions

✅*args and **kwargs in Python

✅Lambda Expressions, Map, and Filter Functions

✅Attributes & Class Keyword

✅Class Object Attributes and Methods

✅Inheritance and Polymorphism

✅Special(Magic/Dunder) Methods

✅Modules and Packages

✅name and “main”

✅Errors and Exceptions Handling

✅Pylint Overview

✅Decorators with Python Overview

✅Generators with Python

✅Python Collections Module

✅Opening and Reading Files and Folders

✅Python Datetime Module

✅Python Math and Random Modules

✅Python Debugger

✅Python Regular Expressions

✅Timing Your Python Code

✅Zipping and Unzipping files with Python

✅Setting Up Web Scraping Libraries

✅Grabbing a Title

✅Grabbing an Image

✅Book Examples

✅Introduction to Images with Python

✅Working with CSV Files in Python

✅Working with PDF Files in Python

✅Sending Emails with Python

✅Receiving Emails with Python

Artificial Intelligence

✅DAY – 1 Overview of this course | Introduction to AI | How to create basic AI application (Chat bot using DialogFlow)

✅DAY – 2 How to install Python & Libraries | Basics of python Programming for AI.


✅DAY – 3 Introduction to Computer Vision| How to install computer vision libraries

✅DAY – 4 Moving Object Detection and tracking using OpenCV

✅DAY – 5 Face Detection and Tracking using OpenCV

✅DAY – 6 Object Tracking based on color using OpenCV

✅DAY – 7 Face Recognition using OpenCV

✅DAY – 8 Face Emotion recognition using 68-Landmark Predictor OpenCV


✅DAY – 9 Introduction to Deep learning | How to install DL libraries

✅DAY – 10 Designing your First Neural Network

✅DAY – 11 Object recognition from Pre-trained model

✅DAY – 12 Image classification using Convolutional Neural Network

✅DAY – 13 Hand gesture recognition using Deep Learning

✅DAY – 14 Leaf disease detection using Deep Learning

✅DAY – 15 Character recognition using Convolutional Neural Network

✅DAY – 16 Label reading using Optical Character recognition

✅DAY – 17 Smart Attendance system using Deep Learning

✅DAY – 18 Vehicle detection using Deep Learning

✅DAY – 19 License plate recognition using Deep Learning

✅DAY – 20 Drowsiness detection using Deep Learning

✅DAY – 21 Road sign recognition using Deep Learning


✅DAY – 22 Introduction to Machine learning| How to install ML libraries

✅DAY – 23 Evaluating and Deploying the various ML model

✅DAY – 24 Fake news detection using ML

✅DAY – 25 AI snake game design using ML


✅DAY – 26 Introduction to NLP & it’s Terminology | How to install NLP Libraries NLTK

✅DAY – 27 Title Formation from the paragraph design using NLP

✅DAY – 28 Speech emotion analysis using NLP


✅DAY – 29 Cloud-based AI, Object recognition using Amazon Web Service (AWS) & Imagga

✅DAY – 30 Deploying AI application in Raspberry Pi with Neural Compute stick & Nvidia Jetson Nano

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