Gesture-based Robot Arm

This video, presented uncut and unedited, shows our first attempt at controlling an OWI-535 robotic arm with the Microchip MGC3130 Sabrewing Single Zone Evaluation Kit. The OWI arm is equipped with its optional USB interface kit, and the software was written in C#/WPF utilizing our .NET Interop class that wraps the Microchip gestic-api DLL.


  • Interactive gallery installations, where works of art react to the observer’s body language and provide speech-synthesized or visual feedback on the artist’s biography, portfolio, the historical significance of the piece, and other contextual information.
  • Everyday device and machine control, replacing the pervasive and mundane switch and potentiometer-based control paradigm of today with natural interaction technologies.
  • Wearable technologies that weave or print the sensing electrodes onto fabric. This may eventually extend to skin-implanted electrodes for assistive technology and alternative communication applications.

This video, presented uncut and unedited, shows our first attempt at controlling an OWI-535 robotic arm with the Microchip MGC3130 Sabrewing Single Zone Evaluation Kit. The OWI arm is equipped with its optional USB interface kit, and the software was written in C#/WPF utilizing our .NET Interop class that wraps the Microchip gestic-api DLL.


  • Interactive gallery installations, where works of art react to the observer’s body language and provide speech-synthesized or visual feedback on the artist’s biography, portfolio, the historical significance of the piece, and other contextual information.
  • Everyday device and machine control, replacing the pervasive and mundane switch and potentiometer-based control paradigm of today with natural interaction technologies.
  • Wearable technologies that weave or print the sensing electrodes onto fabric. This may eventually extend to skin-implanted electrodes for assistive technology and alternative communication applications.

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