ADC Interface with Cortex M4

This blog post explains how to interface adc with cortex m4 development board

Procedure to interface ADC with Cortex M4

  1. Power: In the PCONP register, set the PCADC bit
  2. Configure pins P0.23 (CH0), P0.24 (CH1) and P0.25 (CH2) as analog pins using their respective IOCON registers i.e. IOCON_P0_23, IOCON_P0_24 and IOCON_P0_25.
  3. Select ADC conversion Clock rate (400 KHz-12bit conversion) using ADC control register.
  4. Enable Power Down (Normal CPU mode)
  5. Select the Channel and Start conversion
  6. Wait for the DONE bit. If the DONE bit is HIGH, the conversion is completed
  7. Read the data register and store them in a variable
  8. Do the Steps 5 to 7 for the remaining 2 channels.
  9. Write these data’s in HyperTerminal via UART0

C code to Interface ADC with LPC4088 Cortex M4

#include <LPC407x_8x_177x_8x.h>
#include "uart0.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned int CH0;
unsigned char Str[5];

#define ADC_MAX_VAL     4095
#define ADC_MAX_VOLT    3.3

void init_adc(void);
unsigned int ADC_Getdata(unsigned char channel);
void delay_ms(long ms);
void itoa(unsigned int val, unsigned char *str);

int main(void)
   CH0=ADC_Getdata(0);                 //Get data from channel0, calculate temp value
   itoa(CH0,Str);                   //Convert the val to string
   UART0_puts((unsigned char *)"Temperature:");     //Step 9-Send the string to UART0
   UART0_puts(Str);                  //Space
   UART0_Txmt('\r');                  //Carriage return, Enter Key

void init_adc(void)
 //1. set the PCADC bit
  LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 12);           /* enable power to ADC*/ 
 //2. Configure pins P0.23, P0.24 and P0.25 as ADC input pins
  LPC_IOCON->P0_23 =  1;                /* Pin P0.23 used as ADC0, IN0 */  LPC_IOCON->P0_24 =  1;                /* Pin P0.24 used as ADC0, IN1 */  LPC_IOCON->P0_25 =  1;           /* Pin P0.25 used as ADC0, IN2 */ 
 //3. ADC conversion rate = 400Khz
 //30MHz/12.4MHz = 2.4-1 = 1 (8 to 15)
 //4. Enable PDN bit (21 bit) 
  LPC_ADC->CR  = 0;
  LPC_ADC->CR |= ((1<<21) | (1<<8)); 

unsigned int ADC_Getdata(unsigned char channel)
  //5.Select the Channel and Start conversion
  LPC_ADC->CR |= (1<<24) | (1<<channel);  
  //6. Wait for the DONE bit (31). If the DONE bit is HIGH, the conversion is completed
  while((LPC_ADC->DR[channel] & 0x80000000)==0);
  //Deselect the channel and Stop Conversion
  LPC_ADC->CR &= ~((1<<24) | (1<<channel)); 
  //7. Read the data
  return ((LPC_ADC->DR[channel]>>4)&0xFFF);

void delay_ms(long ms)      // delay 1 ms per count @ CCLK 120 MHz
  long i,j;
  for (i = 0; i < ms; i++ )
  for (j = 0; j < 26659; j++ );

//Int to string (ascii)
void itoa(unsigned int val, unsigned char *str)
 //Separate the single digit and add 0x30 (where the ascii '0' starts
 str[3] = val%10+'0'; 
 //Get the remainder
 val = val/10;     
 //Separate the single digit of remainder ie 10th digit of val
 str[2] = val%10+'0'; 
 //Get the remainder
 val = val/10;
 //Separate the single digit of remainder ie 100th digit of val
 str[1] = val%10+'0';
 //Get the remainder, its the 1000th digit
 str[0] = val/10+'0';
 //End the string with NULL character
 str[4] = '\0';

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