Smart Waste Segregation System using NodeMCU

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Smart Waste Segregation System using NodeMCU

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A big challenge in the urban cities is that of waste management as there is a rapid growth in the rate of urbanization and thus there is a need for sustainable urban development plans. As the concept of smart cities is very much trending these days and the smart cities cannot be complete without a smart waste management system. There needs to be a system that gives prior information on the filling of the bin that alerts the municipality so that they can clean the bin on time and safeguard the environment. In cities, a big problem means the garbage is overflow but we created a solution for this “Smart Garbage Bin”. When will it fill means alarm to the alert an authorized corporation person? Thena message be sent to the authorized person to collect the garbage from a particular area? The authorized person will send the message from his web application to the garbage collectors by sending an SMS. This system maintains a dry waste and a wet waste separately. This project helps to reduce the overflow of the garbage bin cities and this keeping the environment clean

Block Diagram

block diagram of Smart Waste Segregation System using NodeMCU

Block diagram explanation

This block diagram consists of several sensors (Ultrasonic Sensor, Moisture Sensor, Pressure Sensor) is connected to the core controller. The core controller is accessing the sensor values and processing them to transfer the data through the internet. Ardunio is used as a core controller. The sensor data can be viewed on the IOT platform of Thingspeak.

Hardware Requirement

  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Moisture sensor
  • IR Sensor
  • L293D driver circuit

Software Requirement

  • Arduino IDE
  • ORCAD Design

Additional information

Weight 1.000000 kg


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