ECG disease detection and classifcation using opencv and deep learning


ECG disease detection and classifcation using opencv and deep learning

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ECG disease detection and classifcation using opencv and deep learning

The classification of electrocardiograms (ECG) plays an important role in the clinical diagnosis of heart disease. This project proposes an effective system development and implementation for ECG classification based on faster regions with a convolutional neural network (Faster R-CNN) algorithm. The original one-dimensional ECG signals contain the preprocessed patient ECG signals and some ECG recordings from the MIT-BIH database in this experiment. Each ECG beat of one-dimensional ECG signals was transformed into a two-dimensional image for experimental training sets and test sets. In addition, we did a comparative experiment using the one versus rest support vector machine (OVR SVM) algorithm, and the classification accuracy of the proposed Faster R-CNN was higher.

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