Criminal Identification using Amazon Web Service with Raspberry Pi

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Criminal Identification using Amazon Web Service with Raspberry Pi

SKU: Criminal Identification using AWS with Raspberry Pi Category:



Amazon Web Service is the well-known Amazon cloud service. Who providing many services like IoT, Rekognition, Oracle, MySQL etc. Among that, we are using AWS Rekognition, to detect the Human face to use for criminal Identification. Amazon Rekognition is mainly used for many application, like face recognition, group face recognition, face comparison etc. So we are using AWS for recognition of criminal.


Block diagram of Criminal Identification using Amazon Web Service with Raspberry Pi


In the above block diagram, the camera is connected to the Raspberry Pi and monitor is connected to view the result. The system is connected with the AWS cloud.



Among the various number of criminal face, we are using AWS to compare the face with the n-number of criminal face to recognize the criminal using the face recognition feature which done by the service of Amazon cloud called Rekognition. By having every authentication credentials of AWS account, we will get the Secret key. By configuring the python code with that specific key. We can feed images to the Amazon cloud to recognize the face.



  • Raspberry Pi
  • Power Adapter
  • HDMI to VGA converter (optional, when connecting to Monitor)
  • Camera
  • Monitor



  • SD Card Formatter
  • Win32 Disk Imager (or) Etcher



  • Rpi.GPIO as GPIO (To access GPIO Pins of Raspberry Pi)
  • Time library (For Delay functions)



Amazon Web Services is the best-known Cloud services for several applications like IoT, Machine Learning etc. Here in this Raspberry Pi system applications, we are using Amazon machine learning service Rekognition is used for Criminal detection.

Additional information

Weight 0.000000 kg


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