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Affiliate Tribe – Leaderboard

First of all, Heartly Congratulations🎉 for being in the Affiliate Tribe! The below dashboard shows only the Paid Participants of Digital Marketing and the person who enrolled in the Affiliate Tribe Form. Later it will be initiated for all other who filled the form!

The below Dashboard shows the MemberID with their Name, Leads they collected upto now & also How much they Earned from those leads. At present Lead Per Cost is Rs.1 Per Lead

Wishing You to Earn more and move towards CRORE Club

🥉10K CLUB – Revenue >Rs.10000 | 🥈1L CLUB – Revenue >Rs.100,000 | 🥇10L CLUB – Revenue >Rs.10,00,000 | 💎1C CLUB – Revenue >Rs.1,00,00,000

If your name is not on this List Even if you filled affiliate form, please wait! Coz this is processed for Batch-1 150 Members. Soon it will be released for others !!!